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To be a fly on the wall

Cho­reo­gra­fie: Gre­ta Schus­ter | Tän­ze­rin­nen & Tän­zer: Elvan Tekin, Emma Hede­mann Chris­ten­sen, Eva Lee­mans, Nata­scha Roy, Aaron Carey- Bur­rows, David Maria­no Chaho, Alma, Ida, Inka, Juli
Sechs Kurz­fil­me gewäh­ren Ein­blick in Situa­tio­nen, die sich hin­ter ver­schlos­se­nen Türen abspie­len. Sie ver­an­schau­li­chen sehr unter­schied­li­che The­ma­ti­ken: Das Ver­falls­da­tum einer Freund­schaft, das Fest­sit­zen in All­tags­rou­ti­ne, Mäd­chen, die „frech und wild und wun­der­bar“ sind, häus­li­che Gewalt, vom Inter­net gepräg­te Tages­ab­läu­fe oder die sub­jek­ti­ve Wahr­neh­mung ver­meint­li­cher Wirk­lich­keit. Die Kurz­fil­me wer­den von zehn Tänzer*innen per­formt, die zwi­schen acht und fünf­und­fünf­zig Jah­re alt sind. In Anwe­sen­heit der Macher*Innen und Tänzer*Innen!

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In nomine Infinitum et Peregrinantem et Sancti Anatis

The thinker tries to look into the infinite but is distracted by the face in the mirror. I’ve gotta
get past this facial fascination and try to discover my reality!
Is that... is that a rubber ducky?

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Trauma Bar und Kino Movement Residency

This residency was granted by Trauma Bar und Kino in 2020. During the process dancer Gianna DiGirolamo and I researched movement material centred around themes of over-consumption, waste and nature, both human and animal. Two big aspects of the piece are the Birds of Paradise, which are a species of birds with unique mating rituals and shapeshifting abilites, as well as the use of plastic bags and recycled clothes.

Unfortunately the process has been delayed by Corona and many of the further processes to create have been cancelled or set back.



Beautiful Landscapes

Life could be over by tomorrow. Time for a memento mori. But could everything have turned out differently if we had only known more, believed more, wanted more? BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPES (BLÜHENDE LANDSCHAFTEN) by LUNA PARK/Kosmas Kosmopoulos is a breathless course over green fields of rubble. A wailing, aggressive chorus of human and nonhuman voices sings their disappointment at all the unfulfilled promises made by the West and is struck down by the echo of its own failure. All of it ends in a ceremony of tears. But are the tears real? Or just for show? BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPES sets out in search of adequate grief and the art and grace of mourning.


Actually it's Quite Tasty

Actually it's Quite Tasty is a short film that was developed during the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Berlin. The short film was created for the Tanja Liedtke Foundation's Brilliantly Dark, in unprecedented times Film Festival and won 3rd place. 

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